Visual properties

Visual properties

Visual properties

These properties define and identify a visual in Power BI. This page shows following properties:

  • Version is the version of visual package. You should not downgrade the version when you are compiling it multiple times. Examples are: 1.0.0, 2.5.8, 9.44.32, etc.
  • Icon is used to specify the visual in Power BI. Gallery visuals have an icon by default, which can be deleted or replaced with a new icon.
  • Name is the name of of visual by which it is identified in Power BI. It is any lowercase string of characters.
  • Display Name is used to specify the user friendly name of the visual.
  • Description defines what this visual is intended for.
  • Author Name is name of the person who has built this visual. By default it is the person who has logged in.
  • Author Email is email of the author who has designed and compiled this visual. By default it is email of the logged in person.
  • Visual identifier is the global unique id of the visual by which it is identified along with its name in Power BI. It is generated by default or use the refresh icon to get a new visual identifier.