Conditional color formatting through Data as value

Conditional color formatting through Data as value


  • Proceed with this page once you have mapped the Color/Legend fields with desired data fields for which you want conditional color formatting.
    In case you want further information on prerequisite, click here.

Step 1
Select ‘Data as value’ option from the dropdown menu.

Data as color

Step 2
If you map numerical data (say Discount rate) in the Color field, then the data itself acts as a color (colors are taken from your Power BI theme) and applied to the visual.

The color field can use any color values listed below:

  • 3, 6-digit hex codes, for example #FFD004. Make sure you include the # symbol at the start of the code.
  • Color names, such as Green, SkyBlue, or Brown.

Click OK button to apply the conditional colors.

Data as color